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  • Writer's pictureHannah Stoltenberg

Social Distancing is A Privilege

A few hours ago all I wanted was my normal life back. I wanted to be in my classroom with my students then race across town to teach dance classes for a few hours before going home to make dinner, chill, and go to bed. The longing for normalcy was amplified by the fact that at the beginning of the social distancing measures, I moved, had a nasty breakup, and had my identity stolen all within two weeks. As the social distancing measures increased so did my anxiety and so did my desire for routine.

Everyone is handling this pandemic uniquely. Many are thankful for the time of reprieve while others are worried sick about how they are going to pay bills. And too many are ready to get their kids out of the house. Everyone’s life has been shaken, so it’s normal for us to reach for the routine that makes us comfortable, rather than living in this realm of unknown.

I will admit that I have been wallowing in self pity too much and have crossed the line between grieving and self pity one too many times… but it took one picture to help change my perspective.

Social Distancing is a Privilege.

Over the years I have had the privilege of spending extended periods of time in India. This country is the most challenging and beautiful place I have ever been. It is a place I love, but I am always hesitant to return. Today I saw a picture of a slum in India on the internet with the headline “Social Distancing is a Privilege.” I didn’t even have to read the article, I probably didn’t even need to see the headline to realize that even our inconveniences are a privilege. My memories exploded with the sights, sounds, and smells of the slums that I have been to. Whereas, I can re-live those memories, I can never fully know or understand the experiences of those people and their suffering or fear... But I can reevaluate my perspective.

If you are familiar with slums (and there are so many across the globe), then you know that people are close to everyone. There is no such thing as social distancing because there isn’t the space to do that. People in these situations across the globe do not have the privilege to make effective decisions about the health and well-being of themselves or their loved ones. Of course, there are some things they can do and I’m sure many are doing everything they can to survive. But they are not just trying to survive exposure to COVID-19, they are trying to survive the economic ramifications, lack of food, services and much more.

Complaining is so easy. Now don’t get me wrong, expressing frustration and difficulties is good and healthy but it has to be balanced with perspective. One of

my favorite things to say (and probably the most annoying) is “You can complain to me all you want, I would love to listen… only, if when you are done complaining you are going to do something about it.”

We all, during this time of stress and anxiety, need to stop before we complain and ask ourselves is this a complaint that I can do something about? Is this a complaint about something that might actually be a privilege? All it takes is one picture to change our perspective about a situation… if we let it.

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